LA Pride 2024

This event has already taken place.

June 9, 2024: 54th ANNUAL LA PRIDE PARADE


Thank you, LA, for making the LA Pride Parade the largest and longest-running Pride Parade in Southern California!

Over 148,000 LA Pride family, friends, and fans came out last year to cheer our iconic LGBTQ+ procession down Hollywood Blvd. This year, we’re planning even more fun and celebration with extra performances, music, and celebrity surprises.

Grand Marshals for 2024

We are honored to announce our Grand Marshals for 2024: Actor and activist George Takei as the Icon Grand Marshal, an individual who needs no introduction and achieved major milestones within his career and life; professional wrestler Cassandro, El Exótico as the Legacy Grand Marshal, for his everlasting impact on his industry and community; and Los Angeles Fire Department Chief, Kristin Crowley, as the Community Grand Marshal, the first woman, and first out person to ever hold the LAFD’s highest position.

Parade Route

This year is also going to be the largest parade LA Pride has ever held with a staggering number of contingents, floats, dancers, and luminaries. The route will run north on Highland Blvd past the ABC7 live broadcast, then head east on Hollywood Blvd, and south on Cahuenga Blvd.

How to Watch

The best Parade viewing spots are along the middle of Hollywood Blvd, or on Highland, opposite the ABC7 broadcast area. Step-off is at 11AM sharp, so get there early to get a good spot.

If you can’t be with us in person, be sure to watch the parade live on ABC7, our Official Television & Streaming Partner. Did you know? ABC7 won an area Emmy™ Award for its coverage of the Parade in 2022? We just might be the only Pride Parade with an Emmy!

Street Closures:

Staggered closings info coming soon.

But wait, there’s more!

Also on Sunday, find us at LA PRIDE BLOCK PARTY, our free street fair – food, activities, live performances, and more – located at the end of the rainbow, aka, next to the Parade. Block Party entertainment and other features coming soon!


Avoid traffic, street closures and overpriced parking – Go Metro, our Official Transit Partners!

The Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (Metro), the Official Transit Partner of LA Pride, is activating station “take-overs” in honor of LA Pride Weekend. For the weekend of June 8th-9th, stations servicing both the Pride Parade and Block Party will be renamed and wrapped in Pride colors. Hollywood/Highland will be renamed Hollywood/Pride-land and Hollywood/Vine will be renamed Hollywood/Pride.

Getting to the Parade and Block Party is easy, take the B/D Line to Hollywood/Highland for the Parade and Hollywood/Vine for the Block Party.

Pay Metro fare of $3.50 for a round trip on a TAP car, which cost $2 and are available for purchase at TAP vending machines at all Metro rail and busway stations. Metro has many Park & Ride lots servicing the county – parking is just $3.00 per day, payable onsite.