Come Join Us!

Debate Prep With The West Wing Cast

Tuesday, September 10, 2024, 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM ET


Two hours before the first presidential debate between VP Kamala Harris and Donald Trump, you're invited to join the cast of the West Wing for Debate Prep. Get pumped up for the evening ahead and learn how to take the most effective action possible in the final 56 days before the election. And yes, Team Bartlet will answer how their characters would have handled the Aaron Sorkin-esque events of July 21 when President Biden passed the torch, as well as how they would have prepared to debate the likes of Trump. Join us for this amazing experience and let's go!

TroubleNation's TroubleCon 2024


Saturday, September 14, 2024 11:00 AM -  6:30 PM ET



Join Red Wine & Blue and the TroubleNation team for our first-ever virtual summit! Spend a day attending sessions on everything from how to build a leadership team to how to use a voter's guide! Hear from TroubleNation leaders from California to Kansas about how they've built their groups and made a difference in their communities. And get inspiration to keep working through November and beyond!


Below is the tentative schedule for the day:



Session A

Session B

Session C

11:00 am - 11:30

Opening Session 


DEIJ Session


How Kansas Said No in 2022

BVG - Fast, Informed, Democratic Voting

Canva for Beginners


Lunch – free time and get-to-know-you breakout rooms


The Open Space Method of Organizing: a formula that anyone can follow to take collective action

The How-Tos of Starting and Sustaining a TroubleNation Group

Effective Facilitation


Building a Leadership Team

Get to Know Your TroubleNation Group Page

Introducing the New & Improved TroubleNation Resources Page


Help! Extremists Took Over My School Board – Now What?!

Driveway Democracy

Starting a TroubleNation Group


The TroubleNation Guide to Rallying Your Squad


Closing Session


Optional Happy Hour



Stonewall Community Meeting
Monthly on the 3rd Tuesday of the month

Join the Meeting 

Meeting ID: 991 3704 1024
Passcode: 819948


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+16699006833,,99137041024#,,,,*819948# US (San Jose)


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Meeting ID: 991 3704 1024
Passcode: 819948

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Why Protecting Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Matters

Why Protecting Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Matters


Date and Time:  Tuesday, September 17, 2024, 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m., Los Angeles Time


In this webinar, attendees will come to understand the importance of protecting and promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion (DE&I) in private and public spaces locally and nationally.  More specifically, this webinar will go into some detail regarding how DE&I can be advantageous for our nation as well as how and why diverse political representation matters.