Rally Your Squad: All Hands on Text!

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Rally Your Squad: All Hands on Text!


Monday, August 12, 2024 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM ET


Enthusiasm is high and we are thrilled at the record number of people joining Zoom calls -- but turning this momentum into a win in November will take all of us! And we need to be strategic. The MOST effective thing you can do to impact the election is to talk to friends and family about what is at stake and get them out to vote. We are here to help! Join us to learn from RWB fan fave Jess McIntosh on how to have these conversations with friends and then let’s get to work. We've got the messaging -- you do the sending. If you are already part of our Rally Your Squad badass crew - then join us for this dedicated time to take action. If you haven’t joined yet, we will get you set up and ready to go. Let’s do this team! See you there! https://redwine-blue.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZckc-GgqzsvHtM2KcUFLyJG7dGt0bIC0TXA